I'd apologize for the delay in posting, but to tell the truth I've just not felt like it. I'm not sure why, but I don't really think there has been much to post. It wasn't quite idyllic, but it wasn't the horrible experience we've had in the past either. We left La Paz during the beginning of the worst of the heat taking our time north to Loreto. The idea was to make our way up to Santa Rosalia and across to Guaymas for the summer, but as always with us, plans changed. There were several beautiful anchorages on our way and at least one great new friend. Then there was a super moon party held on a desolate beach with other boaters we'd just met. That's the way with cruising. A different anchorage and different people every few days. We did have a little excitement with what we are calling "The Great Bee Swarm of 2013" I was the only victim receiving 5 stings and several bruises, but we won the war! Never has lobster tasted so good as after the swarm, but that's another story. After making it as far as Loreto, we made the decision to dump our plans to go further north and start making our way to Guaymas. It was a difference of a couple of weeks and we were ready to get off the boat. We hadn't been away from her in over 6 months and a break was much needed. The voyage was 26 hours and 120 miles across the sea, but what a great voyage we had. The sails went up 2 hours into the trip and didn't come down until almost and hour from the harbor. It's the longest we'd sailed and the furthest. To say we are proud of ourselves is an understatement. This trip has proven Reisender as a sailboat and given her crew more confidence. It was also nice to sail all night and only put on a sweat shirt and not full foul weather gear. Scott was a bit hardier than I and made it across in a T and Shorts only! Once in San Carlos we decided to put the boat to bed and head up and out of the worst of the heat. What a busy few weeks we had, but Reisender is up on stands and safely tucked away for the summer.
Yes, we seem to sail at a snails pace. The funny thing is on our trip east we made about the same distance in 2 days in our car as we did in 24 months on Reisender. We've been told that if we do decide to make a circumnavigation we would be somewhere in our 90's when we finish. I have to laugh, because it's oh so true! We have noticed that things are so much faster up here in the States. The crowds and the noise are new to us. I was overwhelmed in Tuscon by the traffic and Scott had to drive through almost any city we came to if it wasn't 2 in the morning. The other part that is throwing us off is when asked where we are visiting from. How does one say "Mexico" and not sound uppity? Well, that's about all for now. I'll try to do better and post more info about the voyage up from La Paz to Gauymas and our haul-out.
Fair Winds My Friends