With our leaving drawing near there are so many questions that people ask when they find out what we are doing. After 7 years aboard a boat the questions about "what's it like?" begin to get stale. It's my life. Yes it is very different for those who don't live on a boat, but the longer I live on a boat the more that life seems strange to me. The look on people's faces when they begin to talk about something on TV and we look vacant never ceases to amaze me. The idea that TV is not a constant part of our daily lives seems to confound people. I used to be addicted to the noise of a TV. The first thing I'd do when I came home was turn it on, whether I was watching or not. It was the noise I needed. Now I find my life constantly interrupted by noise. Airplanes, traffic, the chatter of people just talking, even the music as I'm shopping seems a distraction. The other distraction is the constant rush of today's lifestyle in America. Scott and I live in one of the most populated areas of the country and when we are out and about we feel overwhelmed at times. Cars rushing by, people in a hurry. Grocery shopping which was so much fun for me has become a drudge of "get in, get out". I've found the crush of people when shopping to be claustrophobic at times. We've slowed down so much over the last few years it amazes me more people don't jump off the wheel and do it. So for me that is what life on a boat is like.
Another of my favorite questions is about "stuff". Where do we put it all? That's a funny one to us. We've downsized and downsized again over and over. We finally look at each other and ask why we even have something. So the question of where we put it all tends to be a funny one when you've done you damnedest to get rid of all you can. It's actually very liberating. My wardrobe is about a 3rd what is once was, but what do I really need? Something warm in the winter and something cool in the summer. A sweater or two for the other seasons. We are both avid readers, but with technology as far as it is that's actually OK today. For entertainment purposes we both have electronic book readers, but for resources we keep hard copies. I am a huge cookbook collector. I've just limited myself to 20, so when a new one comes in an old one goes out. As with my galley, a new tool must have two uses, otherwise there is no home on Reisender for it. I also find that I don't need the gadgets I once found I did when on land. I can chop garlic with a knife. It may take a little longer, but who cares? It's just a little more love in a meal. Tools for Scott is a big one. Most of the weight in Reisender is because of our tool lockers (PLURAL), but where we are going we need to be self sufficient. Who couldn't stand to be able to take a care of themselves a little more independently?
I won't bore you too much longer, but the biggest question we hear is about fear. Aren't we afraid? Actually, yes, often, but do you know of anything in life worth doing that doesn't make you a little afraid? If you happen to be married, was that one of the scariest and nervous days of your life? In my years, I've learned there is no such thing as absolute safety. Earthquakes, fire, car accidents all happen, so we could stay on land and let one of them get us, or we could take our chances out here. While this isn't for everyone, we are happy and love the choices we've made. We are actually very boring people in our opinions. We've got friends that amaze us everyday with their accomplishments. I guess it's all in the seat you're sitting in as to what the other person looks like.
Well, just a couple of thoughts. Fair Winds!
We've found TV is a commercial with a movie mixed in with it! Life aboard is wonderful..don't let anyone fool you!