Scott and The Golden Gate

Scott and The Golden Gate

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Update on the Great Mold Emergency of 2012

So we went through all this trouble of cleaning the locker, cleaning off any cans we could salvage, allowing them to dry in the sun for a day, putting in bubble insulation, and adding a liner over that just to find an inch of standing black water in the bottom a week later. We were not amused, but there is no way that it was condensation over the winter for it to happen so fast. It took a while to figure it out, but we did. Scott was worried we had a small hole somewhere and wanted to know if it was salt water, yup.... I did the grossest thing ever and dipped my finger in and took the smallest taste I possibly could. It was the only way to find out. Sure enough it was salt water. Scott remembered we have a pipe with a vent that runs through that locker. The pipe is for the raw water. Apparently, whenever we start the engine the raw water bubbles out that vent and runs into the bottom of the tank. The next step is to move the vent higher. Scott believes it to be too close to the water line and moving it higher will prevent it from bubbling up any further. All in a day of learning on a boat. There's always a learning curve. We've taken this one with a grain of salt (LOL).

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