A few weeks back a friend from high school, who is also a sailor, happen to be in the area and I invited her out for a visit. We ended the day with a dinghy ride around the bay. She's an east coast sailor, so sea lions are not the norm for her. On our ride around the bay, we came across an abandoned boat that had been taken over by the critters. There was some concern at first as to their aggressiveness and I reassured her we were quite safe at our distance, but no closer. I also happen to mention that I was relived they seemed content to stay on the opposite side of the bay from where we are moored. MY BIG MOUTH!!!! So a couple of days ago one of the bucks decided to take up residence on an abandoned boat behind ours. At first, he was cute and I even named him Ron. He was fine at first, just laying about sunning himself, but then he let the word out that there was a boat with plenty of room and his lady friend decided to show up. Scott named her Wanda. At first Ron wasn't very friendly to her and sent her on her way, but she quickly discovered the transom of a powerboat that was unguarded and she took up residency. I was not completely put out, but notified the Harbormaster of our new neighbors. Then the tourists decided it was time to come for a closer look. Now, Scott and I don't like to be disturbed while in project mode and the constant visits of non-boaters out for a look began to wear on our nerves soon. The screaming child scared of the sea lions put me over the edge. It was time to run the lookers off first, not that easy. I kept telling them that 2 feet away from a several hundred pound wild animal was not really a good idea. Then I said forget it, a few less tourists from the beating end of a sea lion would really help the IQ of the world's population. The morning of day three and yup a third sea lion. I stopped naming them. This was getting serious. They have broken some piping on one boat and torn the canvas work on another. OK, they had their boat, just leave mine alone. So far, so good. Then yesterday, they decided that an immaculately kept powerboat would be their next destination. How they did it I know not, but one of them leaped all the way up over the railing and into the aft deck of the boat and decided to plant his flag. That makes 4. The next morning, today, I awoke at 6 am to the sound of fighting from the new neighbors. They were fighting over the boat behind us and didn't really like the idea of sharing. Sleepy eyed I informed them it was way to early on a Sunday for this kind of behavior. They immediately quieted themselves, to my astonishment. Fast forward a few hours and the Harbor Patrol enters the situation. Water cannon on full they blasted the unwanted tenants from the home they were illegally living. This worked for about 2 hours as they moved them ever so gently (right, that's to keep the animal rights people off my back) away from their conquered territory that they were occupying. We are currently back to two. As of now, my unwanted neighbors are quiet and sleeping, but tomorrow will be another story.....
Well Fair Sailing My Friends.....
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