Scott and The Golden Gate

Scott and The Golden Gate

Friday, September 14, 2012

Four Sea Lions and a Pontoon Boat

As of this morning our neighbors are down to 4. It was a quiet night and morning and we finally got a good nights sleep aboard Reisender. After running some errands this morning we came back and appreciated our neighbors being quiet. We took a nap and were woken to a rather loud noise that sounded like, but did not feel like another vessel ramming us. Sound asleep we bounded out of bed and ran to the cockpit, both convinced we'd been struck. To our pleasant surprise it was only the Harbor Patrol hosing off, once again, our neighbors from the boat they were occupying. The other day I thought the pontoon boat would sink with the combined weight of the occupiers, but Scott pointed out it was a pontoon and are virtually unsinkable, so was the Titanic! Today after the Harbor Patrol left, the sea lions returned, as they always do, and began to re-inhabit the pontoon. This time it didn't rebound to it's normal floating level prior to their return. The port pontoon seems to be taking on water and the pontoon boat is slowly sinking. We never like the idea of a boat sinking or damaged in any way. It's a reminder that our home, in which we've put so much work, could be next. Well, while we hate to see a boat sinking, we are a bit relieved that our war with the natives could soon be at an end.... as of now they are still holding on and the starboard pontoon is keeping her afloat... for the time being!

1 comment:

  1. A big thank you for your post.Really looking forward to read more. Really Great.
